How to get custody of children after divorce is a very common question for people who have just gone through a divorce, said family lawyer Lennon. There are many factors that come into play when you are considering custody of your children. You need to take a look at the welfare of the children, the stability of the relationship with the ex spouse, and the best interest of the children in the event that one of you gets custody or joint custody of the children after the divorce. If one of you has any past issues with substance abuse, alcohol or child abuse then this will certainly come up during the custody proceedings. Therefore, it is imperative that you as the custodial parent prove to the judge that you can be a good custodian of the children, said the best family lawyer offering services in Fort Myers, Florida.
In order to prove that you can be a good custody candidate you will need the help of a family law attorney. They are familiar with the legal procedures that are required for you to file your child custody request. Your case will need to be presented properly to ensure that it is properly handled by the court. A good divorce lawyer will know all the steps that need to be taken in your case and will represent you in court. They will be able to tell you if your divorce papers are correct and will answer any questions that you may have about the divorce itself.
When determining how to get custody of children after divorce the court takes several things into consideration. The judge will consider the standard of living both you and your former spouse had during the time that you were married. The judge will also look at the child support payments that were agreed upon between you and your spouse. The judge may also consider your parenting abilities, the ages of your children, and the needs of each child. All of these things are considered in your best interest when trying to determine custody of your children after divorce.
If you want to work out a fair custody agreement, you will want to hire an attorney to represent you. An attorney will work with the judge to ensure that your interests are taken care of. They will be able to gather all of the evidence that is needed to help you with proving to the court that you are the best parent and that you are fit to have children of your own. Your attorney will make sure that you receive the best deal possible when it comes to custody of your children.
Another question that people ask about how to get custody of children after divorce deals with the behavior of the ex-spouse. During the course of the relationship, the ex-spouse may have done many things that would negatively affect your children. It may be that the ex-spouse refused to pay child support or to allow you visitation. In some cases they may even have made your children victim to the emotional problems and the bad actions of the ex-spouse.
You will also have to prove in court that the parent that does not have custody of the children has provided for their emotional and physical health. The courts are not going to trust somebody who does not take care of the children. In fact, this is one of the strongest arguments that a parent can use against the other parent. There will be many factors that come into play as to whether or not you will be awarded custody of your children. It will depend on many things including how well you were raising the children, how well you were raising yourself financially, and what type of relationship you had with your spouse before you got married.
The first step to taking care of the child custody issue is to talk with an attorney. Make sure that you set up a meeting with them to discuss the custody agreement and to go over the custody laws in your state. Your lawyer should help you to write up a strong custody agreement that will protect your child and provide for your child’s needs. A good attorney will help you get everything worked out between you and your ex. There is nothing worse than getting a child custody case canceled because you were unable to come to an agreement with the other parent.
A parent who wants to know how to get custody of children after divorce must have a plan of action. This custody plan will be a document that will outline all of the physical custody issues as well as all of the financial responsibilities that are involved. A custody order will be created that will specify which parent the child will live with during the times that you have custody of them. This document is also going to have to include a schedule for visitation. This will allow both parents to know exactly what they are going to be doing with the child during the time that they have joint legal custody of them.